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Your Go-To Guide to Schools Near Hidden Glen


It’s never too early to start planning the next school year—and with all the uncertainty related to COVID-19, you may be worrying more than ever about your children’s future. With a home in the Hidden Glen neighborhood, however, you can be sure that your family will have access to beautiful tree-lined neighborhood streets, lots of nearby entertainment, and of course, excellent schools. If you’re looking for an exceptional set of educational opportunities for children of all ages, you won’t find a better neighborhood.

Here’s a short list of the schools that Hidden Glen is zoned for, and a quick briefing of the educational opportunities offered by each:

Old Town Elementary School

Old Town Elementary School is one of the top elementary schools in the State of Texas, boasting above-average test scores in every area. As of the 2018-2019 school year, it had 715 students, with a student-teacher ratio of 16:1. The average teacher has 12 years of experience, including several who have spent the majority of that time at Old Town. For more information about special programs like the Gifted and Talented program or special education, you can check out their website.

James Garland Walsh Middle School

At James Garland Walsh Middle School, test scores are “far above average,” indicating some serious academic rigor—and excellent teachers. This school ranked better than 98.8% of middle schools in Texas in 2019, in addition to being rated the #2 middle school in the Round Rock Independent School District. Currently, there are just over 1,460 students in attendance, with a student-teacher ratio of 16 to 1.

Round Rock High School

The Round Rock High School is ranked 99th within Texas and is ranked in the top 1000 high schools nationwide. Students test well against national averages, have a range of options for the pursuit of challenging educational opportunities like AP coursework and exams, and rank high in national college readiness rankings. Enrollment in this school is a great opportunity for any high school student with big college dreams.

Meridian World School LLC

Meridian World School is a public charter school that is available to all Williamson County residents through lottery selection. The school accepts students K-12 and is ranked the #1 charter elementary school in Austin and the #1 high school in Texas—thanks in part to its challenging International Baccalaureate (IB) coursework and exams. Students at this school earned very high college readiness scores based on SAT and ACT performances, far above the state averages. If you are one of the lucky ones to make it through the lottery system, enrollment in this school will be a wonderful academic opportunity for your child for years to come.

These are just a few of the high-quality schools in the Hidden Glen and surrounding areas, so be sure to check out this comprehensive map of the RRISD school locations to find the one closest to you. And don’t forget to check with your school district to determine the zoning for the property you’re interested in. If you’re looking to move to Hidden Glen soon, or even if you’re just kicking the idea around for later, contact us today for more information about homes in the area.